Mile Babić, DD, PhD (1947 -), a Philosopher and a Theologian – Most Profound Franciscan Scholar of the Bosna Srebrena Franciscan Province
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Mile Babić was born on 26 November 1947 in Družinovići, Prozor municipality (Bosnia and Herzegovina). What follows is an attempt to encapsulate his philosophical and theological positions in his acts and opinions, through an examination of the non-orthodoxy of Babić’s perspective, his books on medieval philosophy, German classical philosophy, 20th century philosophy, freedom, nonviolence and pluralism. In his philosophical and theological deliberations, he is seeking a transition from the world of violence to the world of freedom and love, proving that the greatest love is born out of the greatest freedom, and that love of others and of the Other provides us with liberty to act freely, in other words, that difference and unity are inseparable, for where difference exists, there is also unity and vice versa; hence, pluralism and unity are mutually presupposed and inclusive. Mile Babić’s philosophical research is structured around three main pillars: first, medieval philosophy, second, German classical philosophy, and third, 20th century philosophy.