Biosurveillance in the Time of „New Normal“

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Vesna Stanković Pejnović


In the “new normal” time, biosurveillance contains abstract forms of the panopticon, as a category of power with a disciplinary function aimed at imposing
certain behavior and exploiting the power of human capital, which includes the biopolitical body on the one hand, in Foucault’s perspective, and social control, as seen by Deleuze, on the other. In biosurveillance capitalism, corporate capital brings together controlled, dispersive, comprehensive and ubiquitous networked power. Biosurveillance of individuals is not only carried
out through ideologies but also through consciousness both in and over the body in the spectacle of fear and media programming, through all aspects of social life. The “new normal” era is a time of social engineering and covert biological and psychological warfare The article proves that technocracy has possessed every aspect of biosurveillance in society because it has gained instrumental power that tends to instrumentalize behavior, modification, prediction, control. Through biosurveillance, technocracy tends to create obedient subjects and dominate the private sphere by domains of public interest. Technocracy has controlled the sovereign power that demands obedience, the disciplinary power that demands submission and the regulative power that demands obedience and submission to the health of the class through an organized system of psychological  intervention and legislative norms.

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